Audio Sermons

Audio Sermons

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Here you will find MP3 recordings of Bible-based sermons which seek to teach, edify and encourage.

"All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work"  2 Timothy 3:16-17.

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Displaying 961 - 980 of 1043

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
10/23/11 Fruit of the Spirit (Faithfulness) L.A. Stauffer Lectureship Fruit of the Spirit Lectureship FruitOfTheSpirit_Faithfulness_102311.mp3
10/23/11 Fruit of the Spirit (Goodness) John McPherson Lectureship Fruit of the Spirit Lectureship FruitOfTheSpirit_Goodness_102311.mp3
10/23/11 Fruit of the Spirit (Self-Control) John McPherson Lectureship Fruit of the Spirit Lectureship FruitOfTheSpirit_SelfControl_102311.mp3
10/22/11 Fruit of the Spirit (Joy) Steve Monts Lectureship Fruit of the Spirit Lectureship FruitOfTheSpirit_Joy_102211.mp3
10/22/11 Fruit of the Spirit (Peace) John McPherson Lectureship Fruit of the Spirit Lectureship FruitOfTheSpirit_Peace_102211.mp3
10/22/11 Fruit of the Spirit (Longsuffering) L.A. Stauffer Lectureship Fruit of the Spirit Lectureship FruitOfTheSpirit_LongSuffering_102211.mp3
10/22/11 Fruit of the Spirit (Kindness) Steve Monts Lectureship Fruit of the Spirit Lectureship FruitOfTheSpirit_Kindness_102211.mp3
10/21/11 Fruit of the Spirit (Love) L.A. Stauffer Lectureship Fruit of the Spirit Lectureship FruitOfTheSpirit_Love_102111.mp3
10/16/11 Divorce and Remarriage Mike Webb Sermon None Sun AM DivorceAndRemarriage_101611.mp3
10/16/11 Building A Better Local Church Pt.5 (By Developing An Evangelistic Spirit) Mike Webb Sermon Building A Better Local Church Sun PM BuildingPt5_ByDevelopingAnEvangelisticSpirit_101611.mp3
10/09/11 Fear of Death Mike Webb Sermon None Sun AM FearOfDeath_100911.mp3
10/09/11 Building A Better Local Church Pt4 (By Each Part Doing It's Share) Mike Webb Sermon Building A Better Local Church Sun PM BuildingPt4_ByEachPartDoingItsShare_100911.mp3
10/02/11 Jephthah's Faith Mike Webb Sermon None Sun AM JephthahsFaith_100211.mp3
10/02/11 Building A Better Local Church Pt.3 (By Striving To Be Scripturally Organized) Mike Webb Sermon Building A Better Local Church Sun PM BuildingPt3_ByStrivingToBeScripturallyOrganized_100211.mp3
09/25/11 At The Feet Of Jesus Mike Webb Sermon None Sun AM AtTheFeetOfJesus-92511.mp3
09/25/11 Building A Better Local Church Pt.2 (By Building Better Relationships With One Another) Mike Webb Sermon Building A Better Local Church Sun PM BuildingPt2_BuildingBetterRelationshipsWithOneAnother_92511.mp3
09/18/11 Are You A Friend Of God? Mike Webb Sermon None Sun AM AreYouAFriendOfGod_091811.mp3
09/18/11 Building A Better Local Church Pt.1 (The Importance Of The Local Church) Mike Webb Sermon Building A Better Local Church Sun PM BuildingBetterLocalPt1_ImportanceOfTheLocalChurch_091811.mp3
09/11/11 The Noble Bereans Mike Webb Sermon None Sun AM TheNobleBereans_91111.mp3
09/11/11 This World Is Not My Home Mike Webb Sermon None Sun PM ThisWorldIsNotMyHome_91111.mp3

Displaying 961 - 980 of 1043

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