Audio Sermons

Audio Sermons

Media and Sermons

Here you will find MP3 recordings of Bible-based sermons which seek to teach, edify and encourage.

"All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work"  2 Timothy 3:16-17.

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Displaying 941 - 960 of 1043

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
01/22/12 Bible Translations Pt. 3 Mike Webb Sermon None Sun PM BibleTranslationsPt3_012212.mp3
01/22/12 Purpose of Singing Mike Webb Sermon None Sun AM PurposeOfSinging_012212.mp3
01/15/12 Bible Translations Pt. 2 Mike Webb Sermon None Sun PM BibleTranslationsPt2_011512.mp3
01/15/12 Sin is Deceptive Mike Webb Sermon None Sun AM SinIsDeceptive_011512.mp3
01/08/12 Bible Translations Pt. 1 Mike Webb Sermon None Sun PM BibleTranslationsPt1_010812.mp3
01/08/12 Peter (Stir You Up By Way Of Reminder) Mike Webb Sermon None Sun AM Peter_StirYouUpByWayOfReminder_010812.mp3
01/01/12 Resolutions for the New Year Mike Webb Sermon None Sun AM ResolutionsForTheNewYear_010112.mp3
12/18/11 Christian Suffering Mike Webb Sermon None Sun AM ChristianSuffering_121811.mp3
12/18/11 The Word of God Mike Webb Sermon None Sun PM TheWordofGod_121811.mp3
12/11/11 Dangers at Christmas Time Mike Webb Sermon None Sun AM DangersAtChristmastime_121111.mp3
12/11/11 Prayer and Supplication/Thankfulness Mike Webb Sermon None Sun PM PrayerAndSupplication_Thankfulness_121111.mp3
12/04/11 The Gift of God/Fan the Flame Mike Webb Sermon None Sun AM TheGiftofGod_FantheFlame_120411.mp3
12/04/11 What Will Your Answer Be? Mike Webb Sermon None Sun PM WhatWillYourAnswerBe_120411.mp3
11/27/11 Be Careful Who You Marry Mike Webb Sermon None Sun AM BeCarefulWhoYouMarry_112711.mp3
11/27/11 Building A Better Local Church Pt.9 (By Properly Dealing With Church Problems) Mike Webb Sermon Building A Better Local Church Sun PM BuildingPt9_ByProperlyDealingWithChurchProblems_112711.mp3
11/20/11 The Ten Lepers/Ingratitude Mike Webb Sermon None Sun AM TheTenLepers-Ingratitude_112011.mp3
11/20/11 Building A Better Local Church Pt.8 (By Properly Exercising Church Disipline) Mike Webb Sermon Building A Better Local Church Sun PM BuildingPt8_ByProperlyExercisingChurchDisipline_112011.mp3
11/13/11 Even Barnabas Was Carried Away Mike Webb Sermon None Sun AM EvenBarnabasWasCarriedAway_111311.mp3
10/30/11 Building A Better Local Church Pt.6 (By Building Better Families) Mike Webb Sermon Building A Better Local Church Sun AM BuildingPt6_ByBuildingBetterFamilies_103011.mp3
10/23/11 Fruit of the Spirit (Gentleness) Steve Monts Lectureship Fruit of the Spirit Lectureship FruitOfTheSpirit_Gentleness_102311.mp3

Displaying 941 - 960 of 1043

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