When God Says No
When God Says No
Nobody likes to be told No. It doesn’t matter if you are a toddler, a teenager, a mom, or a grandpa; none of us really like it when we don’t get our way. It’s especially hard when God is the One telling us No. Many people give up on God and rebel against Him simply because they don’t get their way with Him.
God said No to some of the greatest men in the Bible. David wanted to build God a temple. God said No. Paul asked God three times to remove his thorn in the flesh. God said No. Even Jesus was told No when He prayed. “Let this cup pass from Me.”
We need to understand that even when God says no, there is a blessing to be found. God didn’t let David build the temple; instead He built David an enduring kingdom. Paul learned a valuable lesson about God’s grace, and we are all richly blessed because Jesus died on the Cross.
Eph. 3:20 says God is able to do exceedingly abundantly about all that we ask or think. We might not always understand why, but we can always trust that even when He says No, it’s for the best.