

Giving Yourself To Jesus

Romans 12:1 commands us to present our bodies as a living sacrifice to God. This is the idea of giving ourselves totally to Jesus. Many people say they have given themselves to Jesus, but their lives don’t always agree. Giving ourselves to Jesus requires a lot more than just getting a warm, fuzzy feeling when we hear His name. It’s more than just going to church and trying to be nice to our neighbors. To truly be a living sacrifice we must set aside our own will and simply do what Jesus commands.

 To offer ourselves as a sacrifice to God we must have the mindset of whatever Jesus says to do, I’ll do it. Jesus said, “If you love Me, keep My commandments.” That means we might have to give up a long held belief that’s not according to Scriptures. It might require us to rid ourselves of some sinful behaviors and to do some things we really don’t want to do, simply because Jesus commands it.

 I’d like to encourage you to take a good, honest look at your life, and ask this important question: Have I truly given myself to Jesus?