

Jesus is Gonna' Win

The Book of Revelation is filled with mystifying signs and symbolic language describing great scenes of conflict, judgment and ultimate victory. It is without doubt one of the most unusual and perplexing books in the NT. Because of this, most Christians have either totally ignored it or have dissected even it’s most minor details. In both cases, we fail to see the great message of the Bible’s final chapter.

I’m no expert on Revelation; much about the book continues to confuse me. However, one message from Revelation of which I am certain is this: Jesus is going to win! In Chp. 1 Jesus is the Alpha and the Omega, who has the keys of Hades and Death. In Chp. 5 He is the One who has prevailed to open the scroll. In Chp. 19 He rules the nations as the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. In the book’s final chapter He is still the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End.

Clearly, when all is said and done, Jesus is going to win.